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Writer's pictureMYM Staff

MYM Covid-19 Update

Dear MYM Family, 

As you know, at MYM, we take care of each other. Each day, we do our best to provide a safe and family-friendly environment by encouraging best practices for hygiene and wellness. We do this to keep our students, families, and staff safe. 

While COVID-19 is prominent in the news, the state of Alabama has had minimal cases reported at the moment. We realize that there is no way of currently knowing the extent by which this virus has spread, even with limited reporting in our state. We encourage you to continue monitoring the situation and taking every precaution recommended to keep those at highest risk healthy and safe. 

So far, advice for prevention is the same as an ordinary cold and flu season. Take normal precautions against this and all types of infection by washing hands for 20 seconds, covering coughs into elbows, reducing skin- to-skin contact, and staying home when sick.

At MYM, we are gearing up for Spring Break next week (March 16-20), and the studio will be closed during that time. During the week, MYM will undergo an extreme deep-clean. As we continue to monitor the impact of COVID, we will re-evaluate how to best move forward at the conclusion of spring break. Additional studio cleanings and disinfecting rotations have been implemented immediately as well.

The attached child-friendly communication about keeping everyone healthy in our community has been posted in each studio, as well as the lobby and bathrooms.

MYM is committed to continuing to play a proactive role to support and encourage community health, especially for our children and faculty. We will update you if anything changes regarding schedules and classes. In the meantime, we thank you for your support in this challenging time.

In partnership,

Ms. Mandy and MYM Staff 

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